

First Aid Lecture

Under the patronage of the Dean of Yarmok University College, Professor Dr. Thabet Abdel-Razzaq ZaherThe Division of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance, in cooperation with the […]

A blood donation campaign to support thalassemia patients

Under the direct supervision of the Deanship of Yarmouk University College, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology and the Department of Law, and in cooperation with the […]

A delegation from our college visited the Director General of Diyala Health

This morning, a delegation from Yarmouk University College visited the Director General of the Diyala Health Department, Pharmacist Dr. Ali Hussein Alwan Al-Tamimi, to discuss many […]

About the joint “Dangers of Drugs” symposium organized by our college departments

Today, the Department of Law, the Department of Pharmacy, and the Department of Medical Laboratory Technology in our college organized a symposium on the dangers of […]

Yarmouk University College organizes a symposium on the dangers of drugs

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Thabet Abdel-Razzaq Zahir Al-Alusi, Yarmouk University College is organizing a symposium on “Dangers of Drugs,” […]