Vision, Mission and Objectives


The Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies is an important and effective means of providing the community’s needs for medical staff specialized in supporting various health, research and educational institutions, in addition to seeking to invest the skills of faculty members and students in applied scientific research and studies, as well as training, awareness, and devising technical and professional expertise in scientific and research methods appropriate for development. Continuing analytical techniques.


The Department of Medical Laboratory Technology meets the needs of health institutions for specialized service cadres with scientific specifications and standards, as well as how to prepare these cadres to work in these institutions, as well as supporting the private sector in this field, developing faculty members and students in the fields of scientific research and knowledge and striving to open them, which is scientific balance. For the first department and other institutions that will work to build horizons of scientific cooperation with relevant scientific departments and relevant institutions to achieve the strength of giving and rise in the field of advanced technical sciences.


Acquiring all basic knowledge and skills in the field of pathology, selecting and preparing the necessary materials to carry out analytical work, using and maintaining all laboratory equipment, identifying the causes of diseases, whether bacterial, parasitic, fungal or viral, and acquiring the ability to investigate them. Diagnosing genetic diseases and distinguishing them from acquired diseases. Dealing with infectious and communicable diseases and how to deal with them. Preventing it in the laboratory by implementing occupational safety guidelines and knowing the humane aspects with the patient is an important part of treatment.